Sugar, sugar, sugar – it’s absolutely everywhere and there is no getting away from it at the moment.
The newspapers are filled with headlines of how much sugar is in our drinks and according to a new study by Action on Sugar around 76% of drinks on the market contain 6 teaspoons of sugar – that’s half of the amount currently recommended as a maximum for the whole day. Some of the worst offenders contain around 15 teaspoons of sugar, clearly more than current advice recommends.
I have been invited to attend an event in July –The Sugar Reduction Summit which aims to provide a much needed neutral and balanced platform for individuals and groups in the field of nutrition to come together and explore evidence-based research on the impact of sugar in our diets.
Part of the debate on the day will discuss whether sugar reduction should be a health priority, how harmful sugar really is and how sugar reduction might be achieved practically.
I will be tweeting away (@SR_Nutrition) during the event and keeping the public up-to-date with the conclusions from experts and, of course, relaying any heated debates from the varying experts present.
I hope you will tune in on Wednesday 9th July 2014!
(P.S. – If you are a Registered Nutritionist or Dietitian and you would like to attend the event, try entering “Charlotteminus50pc” at the end for a special discount to attend the event.)