The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) are starting a brand new campaign in the run up to Cancer Prevention Week (11-17 May 2015). The campaign aims to support women and men who want to make changes for a healthier lifestyle, but aren’t sure where to start.
The campaign is called ‘I Can’ and transpired after research from the WCRF found that many members of the public knew WHAT they needed to do to improve their health, but weren’t able to put it into practice. There seemed to be a gap between awareness and action that ‘I Can’ aims to fill.
For me this campaign is a breath of fresh air as it is based around all the concepts of health that I write/talk/tweet and blog about on a daily basis:
The idea that you don’t have to overhaul your lifestyle to improve your health.
So what is ‘I Can’?
It’s based on the idea that we need motivation, inspiration – and possibly a little nutritionist in our pocket (ok, on our email) – ‘nudging’ us to make small steps each day to improve our health. It’s all about turning our awareness into action, but in the simplest of ways.
I was lucky enough to get a link to sign up and trial the campaign before it was launched and, even as someone who eats well and exercises regularly, I found the little nudges and recommendations helpful.
The emails all have a title or a concept such as:
“I Can… have a meat free day” or “I Can…housework out”
It’s made clear that each concept won’t necessarily be relevant for everyone, but the messages are pretty simple and friendly-for-all. Each message is also followed by some information to back up the what, the why and the hows of making those small changes.
At the end of ‘I Can’, I received a really motivational final email, which hopefully will help inspire people to carry on making changes to their health, however small they are.
The campaign starts on the 11th of May but you can sign up now at the following link:
Also check out this incredible and motivational video that WCRF are using to publicise their campaign and the small changes you can make to your health.
This campaign is ideal for anyone concerned about their weight, their risk of developing cancer and even for those people who just want to make a few tweaks and changes to improve their long-term health. So get signed up and say