The Nutrition News this week is dedicated to news around the Childhood Obesity Plan which was published by the Government on Thursday morning. There was a lot of hype and media interest around this so I’m sharing some of the most interesting articles.
- Childhood Obesity: A plan for action read the full ‘Childhood Obesity Plan’ here:
- A lot of the press on the Childhood Obesity Plan talked about professional’s negative responses towards it:
- Some were really unimpressed calling it inexcusable and a waste of an opportunity:
- Jamie Oliver posted a little rant about the Government’s Obesity plan on his Facebook page too:
- Children’s food Campaigners Sustain also had their say:
- Action on Sugar even wrote their own Childhood Obesity Plan last year & hoped for much more of an impact from the report today:
- Interestingly, the Food Industry were themselves even claiming that the Childhood Obesity Plan didn’t go far enough…
In other Obesity related news
- My blog this week discusses the crucial role Health Visitors play in advising parents about infant nutrition
- After watching junk food advertisements children’s food choices were influenced to be solely based on foods taste properties
- Having a higher BMI for a longer duration as an adult was found to significantly increase your likelihood of having an obesity-related cancer
And sugar was also back in the headlines this week:
- New research has shown sugar is actively taken up by the brain (rather than passively), this discovery could improve diabetes treatment
- Medical News Today share some advice on foods that can help manage blood sugar levels in diabetes
- Study shows swapping sugary fizzy drinks and energy drinks with water can help reduce calorie intake by up to 17%
And just to leave on a more positive note…The Olympic hype continues into this week with some exercise news
- Curious about what the diet of an Olympian looks like? Huffington Post reveal the diets of favourite athletes
- Body positive yoga teacher shows that yoga is accessible for all and should help build self-esteem & strength
- ‘Anorexia athletica’ is on the rise and consists of sufferers participating in excessive exercise to maintain abnormally low body weight
- Need a push to start cycling? Look no further… Study finds car drivers weigh on average 4kg more than cyclists
Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoyed this week’s Nutrition News which was all about the Government’s failed Childhood Obesity Plan!