I’ll soon be heading off to the Dominican Republic. I’ve been feeling a need for a holiday for a while now, especially with a new baby AND a house-move in the last few months. I find a holiday is one of best ways to de-stress, relax and take time away from usual routines. The other thing I love about holidays is tasting and trying different foods and, it helps that these are often all cooked for you too…
For many of us, including me, day-to-day lives can be stressful and super busy, therefore spending time away in a relaxing (and hopefully warm) environment can be so beneficial for health, sleep and general wellbeing.
However, more and more of us are taking our day-to-day stress on the plane with us; resulting in a holiday that is far from relaxing. For example, 1/3 of people can’t fully switch off on holiday, especially if there is something work-related on their mind. I for one am so guilty of this, and I know other nutrition colleagues who find the same. Running your own business can mean that you still need to be responsible for day to day emails, making it hard to fully get into holiday more.
However, to help combat this, the team at Hayes & Jarvis have put together a handy guide called “The Four Pillars of Holiday Relaxation”. The aim of the guide is to offer top tips and expert advice to help you get the most out of your holiday. The guide focuses on what it calls the “four pillars” of wellbeing, which include; physical, mental, communication and nutritional elements. Within each pillar there is plenty of advice and tips on how to fully relax, de-stress and most importantly; enjoy your holiday.
I helped to provide a few tips for the campaign but would love to know what you think and if it helps you to relax. I’ll make sure I give it a pre-holiday read before I head off in October too.