Having three books of my own on the shelves in real life shops is still an idea I haven’t fully come to grips with, especially as they were ALL instant Sunday Times Bestseller books!
I’d ALWAYS wanted to write a book, especially a weaning book and had SO many ideas for it and actually pitched it out to multiple book agents before I met my publisher Sam Jackson from Ebury. Ebury are responsible for some of the best parenting books in the word and they really are leaders in this category so you can imagine I jumped, hugely at the opportunity to write an up to date and modern weaning book. 3 years later and I now have THREE books to my name, all on topics I love and all with every page filled with my best work and my most thought out advice and favourite recipes.
However, I thought it might be a good idea to write a little about each book to help parents, carers and families in general work out which book is likely to be the one that they need for specific occasions.
So here goes:
Book 1 – How to Wean Your Baby – The step by step plan to help your baby love their broccoli as much as their cake!

Who is this book for?
Parents/carers of babies 6-12months of age, ideally to be purchased before baby starts weaning.
What does it include?
This was my absolute baby. I put my heart and soul into writing this with a HUGE aim to give parents confidence in a fairly confusing area of parenting. After years of using social media to share details on my own weaning journey with my son, as well as working with Joe Wicks on his Wean in 15 campaign, I felt super confident that I knew what parents needed when it came to weaning and where the current guidance on weaning just didn’t provide enough detail.
As a result, I created How to Wean You Baby. For me this was meant to be used as a Weaning Bible with everything you need to know to get started with weaning, all the facts, tips, information and the dos and don’ts as well as plenty of recipes that could be served to baby AND to a whole family.
What was important to me was also to have a totally different steer on this book too…this was where I came up with my “30 days of Weaning” plan which is right in the middle of the book. I felt strongly that this was really essential as I had had so many parents come to me and just say “tell me where to start”.
So, this 30-day guide was more of a blueprint to give parents and carers a kick start at the weaning journey, with all the details they needed, including shopping lists, cooking times, recipes and serving suggestions for meals for baby’s FIRST month of weaning. It wasn’t an easy task, especially as I had to ensure I included variety, all the allergens, BLW options and take into account multiple preferences and make it all super simple. The idea being that after 30 days of handholding through the process, parents would have the confidence to continue weaning more smoothly thereafter. And it appears to work as it’s been a best seller and has done very well in a very competitive category!
If you’re looking for:
- Advice on weaning your baby – how, when, what, what to avoid etc that’s broken down into easily understandable visual advice
- Recipes to help kick start your baby’s weaning journey and also integrate baby into family mealtimes
- A step-by-step guide to the first part of your weaning experience
- All of your weaning questions answered.
This is the book for you.

How To Wean Your Baby
This is a book that heavily focuses on the HOW TO of weaning. I’ve tried to make it easy, clear and enjoyable for parents to read it too. So I have focused the introduction and all the advice pages on checklists, infographics, notes pages, step by step guides and lots more.

“This book was our weaning bible! We followed Charlotte’s 30 days menu for the first month of weaning and it helped us HUGELY! It’s just a knowledgeable and simple way to intro solids with a mixture of purées and BLW. Her instructions are so clear and simple and the photos add such a big visual aid, especially when it comes to textures and sizes. I now recommend it as a must-have for all new parents.” Chiara, Amazon review
Book 2 – How to Feed Your Toddler: Everything you need to know to raise happy, independent little eaters

Who is this book for?
Parents/carers of all children aged 1-4 years of age
What does it include?
This book was a PERFECT follow on to How to Wean Your Baby. After writing my book and sharing the advice on weaning, I realised that there was another really critical stage that actually got a little less attention online and in books, especially – toddlerhood!
As a result, I set out to write a really comprehensive book about feeding toddlers – full of advice on what nutrition they need, how to help them enjoy food and, largely, around coping with the often-inevitable fussy eating stage that many toddlers go through. I knew this was a really tricky area for many parents and this book was, without a doubt, the most challenging to write as it took a great deal of research, consultations, expert reviewing to ensure that the information was up to date, evidence based but also practical so parents could put the advice into practice easily and flexibly at home. As with How to Wean Your Baby, this book needed to be visual and graphical and that’s exactly what I did – lots of graphs, charts, checklists, simple diagrams to help convey fairly complex info more easily.
For this book, if you’re looking for information on:
- How to feed your toddler a balanced diet
- How to help your little one reach milestones around eating
- How to encourage and enjoy family mealtimes together
- What fussy eating is and why it happens
- How to cope when fussy eating happens – tips, tricks, hacks and practical advice to helping your little one enjoy foods, including a step by step guide to this
- Plenty of delicious toddler and family friendly recipes
This is your book.

How To Feed Your Toddler
This book is something of a work of art for me. A perfect follow on to How to Wean Your Baby, my next book is called How to Feed Your Toddler and is literally…what it says on the tin.

“Inspirational! … Not just a recipe book (although the recipes are fab) , but a detailed insight into the psychology of Toddlers eating behaviours. Little steps on how to make meal times a happy and positive experience and how to shape your children’s eating habits for the rest of their lives.” Amazon Customer
Book 3 – How to Feed Your Family: Your one stop guide to creating healthy meals everyone will enjoy

Who is this book for?
Families with children aged 0-18 years of age.
What does it include?
The inspiration for writing this book came when I was right in the thick of it all with my two kids, struggling with day-to-day chores and I’d lost a bit of love for cooking too, finding it so hard to do whilst my baby daughter was unsettled and my son was so desperate for my attention.
So I set about reading and browsing other family books and seeing what was already out there. This was such a fun process, but my aim was largely to provide all the extra details that WEREN’T generally in other family cook books. I wanted this to be practical and bursting with advice on HOW to feed the family as well as packed with more recipes. This book soon became the most fun time of experimentation. I got busy in my kitchen trialling how to save foods, getting used to menu planning, getting to grips with my fridge and freezer and creating resource that were useful to ME to help me with all of this.
I did plenty of research too, but instead of science journals it was looking at things like reducing the price of the food shop, reducing food waste and planning a kitchen when you have a child with allergies. I really wanted this to be a resource for families to make feeding their whole family so much easier and more enjoyable. So many of you have now said that this book is your Family Feeding Bible, so I feel so proud that my work here has been done!
- So, if you’re after:
Advice on nutrition for each member of the family and how to “balance” meals for all - Advice around family mealtimes, why they matter and how to make them smooth
- Kitchen hacks and tips and super practical advice on meal prep and feeding the family
- 70 delicious, easily adaptable recipes that take largely budget and time into account
This is the book for you.

How To Feed Your Family
The idea started a while back and I’ve been prepping recipes, writing text, testing the tips and advice for around a year and it feels SO good to finally be able to share it with everyone

“This book is fantastic, an absolute go to for every meal for each member of the family to enjoy, brilliant recipe ideas and also top tips from everything from shopping to storage of food and so much amazing advice. Charlotte is an absolute genius and knows exactly what it’s like to be a parent and these recipes completely reflect busy lifestyles and quick go to favourites..”
Gemma S, Amazon review
I really hope this is helpful, the information in this blog doesn’t convey EVERYTHING about each book by any means, but it’s just a bit of a summary on why I wrote it, how it all occurred and what you can expect. I hope you love them like I do.
Charlotte x