What is colic? Colic has been defined as “repeated exposures of excessive and inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy infant”. However, another useful definition of colic is “fussing or crying for more than 3 hours
I think this may be the most important part of my website - my blog! Here I can give advice, tips and recipes, plus loads more really useful information on nutrition for you and your young family...
Search Results for infant
Infant Colic: What are the current recommendations?
Infant Colic: What are the current recommendations? -
Infant feeding: Current concerns and recommendations
Infant feeding: Current concerns and recommendationsIn the UK we have a series of nutritional surveys, the most popular of which is probably the NDNS or – The National Diet and Nutrition Survey. These surveys are carried out with the aim
Milk Recommendations for Infants & Toddlers
Milk Recommendations for Infants & ToddlersWhat Milk, When? Parents ask me time and time again about baby’s milk from birth to weaning and beyond – so I hope this blog post is really useful. While we talk about all of the
Maternal and Infant Nutrition Update…
Maternal and Infant Nutrition Update…Someone is clearly listening to my rants about the importance of maternal and infant nutrition (OK, maybe not MY rants)… For a long while we have known the extreme importance that early nutrition plays on
Processed foods linked to allergy risk in infants…
Processed foods linked to allergy risk in infants…A new study undertaken in the UK has found that babies eating diets higher in real, fresh and homemade food were less likely to develop food allergies than babies who were fed predominantly on processed or packaged
Should I Be Worried About Seed Oils For My Children?
Should I Be Worried About Seed Oils For My Children?It feels like recently it’s impossible to escape negative headlines or posts on social media around ingredients in our foods, or certain foods that we should be avoiding. Seed oils are an ingredient that have
Should I worry about food additives in my kid’s foods?
Should I worry about food additives in my kid’s foods?This blog entitled should I worry about food additives in my kid’s foods has been written by Katarina Martinez-Thomas, and reviewed by Charlotte Stirling-Reed. I’ve written in detail about processed foods for kids, and I
How To Get My Baby to Stay in Their Highchair!
How To Get My Baby to Stay in Their Highchair!I’ve written in the past about how to choose a highchair for your baby but one of the questions I get asked about all the time is what you can do to help your little
Nutrition After 1 Year
Nutrition After 1 YearOne of the questions I’m often asked is what changes at 1 year old when it comes to nutrition for babies? It seems like there are many rules around “until 12 months” and understandably, many
Are Sugar Alternatives Healthier for Kids?
Are Sugar Alternatives Healthier for Kids?It’s well known that too much sugar isn’t ideal in our kid’s diet, but what about sugar alternatives? Are sugar alternatives, such as honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar a healthier sweetener for our kids?
Vitamin D for Children: How to Get Enough
Vitamin D for Children: How to Get EnoughAD – this blog has been sponsored by Arla Big Milk Vitamin D is an important nutrient for a variety of reasons, but it’s also a nutrient that many people are confused about, and quite
Should I Give My Baby Food or Milk First When Weaning?
Should I Give My Baby Food or Milk First When Weaning?Weaning can be a confusing time, and it feels like there are so many “unknowns.” Parents so often ask me about feeding schedules and whether they should give their baby food or milk first. So
What Should I Do When My Child Refuses Their Meal?
What Should I Do When My Child Refuses Their Meal?Something I am asked about ALL the time when it comes to my advice on fussy eating, is what to do when a child totally refuses their meal. It’s SO common for toddlers to have
Help – My baby has had an allergic reaction during weaning!
Help – My baby has had an allergic reaction during weaning!What do I do now? One of the questions parents ask about a lot is what happens if my baby has an allergic reaction during weaning? What next steps should parents/carers take next. This blog
Processed Food and Kids: What’s the Deal?
Processed Food and Kids: What’s the Deal?There has been a lot of debate in the news recently about processed and ultra-processed foods (UPFs) following the publication of a report scrutinising the consumption of UPFs by infants, toddlers and young children in