Trimester by Trimester! Trimester 1 Pregnancy can be SUCH an exciting time for most new mums-to-be. It’s also a time when there are SO.MANY.QUESTIONS. Throw changing hormones, unwanted pregnancy symptoms and the realisation that things
I think this may be the most important part of my website – my blog! Here I can give advice, tips and recipes, plus loads more really useful information on nutrition for you and your young family…
Trimester by Trimester! Trimester 1 Pregnancy can be SUCH an exciting time for most new mums-to-be. It’s also a time when there are SO.MANY.QUESTIONS. Throw changing hormones, unwanted pregnancy symptoms and the realisation that things
Something that still troubles me is that people still don’t really seem to understand the truth about sugar. What it is, what it’s in and why it’s not so good for our health? How much
I’m pregnant! What foods do I need to avoid? As if you don’t have enough to think about soon after finding out that you’re pregnant, you also need to think about changing your dietary habits
I am a vegetarian and I don’t eat fish, how can I make sure I get all the nutrients I need during pregnancy? One of the most important things you can do whilst pregnant, especially
Am I Getting Enough Calcium In My Diet During Pregnancy? Well, nutritional requirements for calcium really do not increase during pregnancy. This means that calcium recommendations stay at the amount of 700mg a day, which
Even when pregnant, you need to be thinking about what you are eating. What we eat will help to influence babies, even before being born. Less sugar and sweet things, with lots of variation of
An old myth that people often still refer to is the idea that women need to be eating for two during pregnancy. We now know that during pregnancy a woman’s body becomes much more efficient
If you’re trying for a baby, typing the words ‘fertility foods’ into a search engine can immediately pull up a mammoth list of lotions, potions and foods that are all supposed to help support conception.
Having a baby can be a rather overwhelming experience and above all else you want to make the right decisions that will allow healthy growth from bump to baby. Eating healthily and understanding nutrition during
A few facts to share about my early breastfeeding experiences I wanted to share with you a few facts about breastfeeding. Most of these, I have experienced firsthand, due to me becoming a mum for
Immunity can be compromised during pregnancy as both mother and baby have an increased need for many macronutrients. When pregnant it’s always important to eat a wide variety of foods to ensure that you can
Prior to having a baby I was especially aware about the benefits of breastfeeding for both a mother’s and child’s health. I have to admit that I often wondered why it was that so many
As I’ve recently gone through pregnancy myself, I thought it was a good idea to share my PERSONAL top tips to healthy eating during pregnancy and fighting off those dreaded pregnancy symptoms. I must point
Cheese is often a food that many pregnant women are very unsure about. The good news is that lot of cheeses are absolutely fine to eat during pregnancy, so you don’t have to completely cut out
A craving for certain foods during pregnancy has been recognised as one of the symptoms of pregnancy for years. We don’t know much about the whats and the whys of food cravings during pregnancy, but