Weaning is an exciting milestone and the chance for babies to explore lots of different tastes and textures. However some babies can experience some digestive discomfort when introducing certain foods, which can cause various symptoms.
I think this may be the most important part of my website – my blog! Here I can give advice, tips and recipes, plus loads more really useful information on nutrition for you and your young family…
Weaning is an exciting milestone and the chance for babies to explore lots of different tastes and textures. However some babies can experience some digestive discomfort when introducing certain foods, which can cause various symptoms.
Whether or not your baby has meat in their diet, is a totally personal choice. In this blog you will learn when you can offer your baby meat, why, what kinds of meat you can
Beginning the weaning journey is such an exciting yet nerve-racking time! Once you’ve finally decided which highchair, bowls and cutlery to use and the approach you are going to follow, then comes the fun part…preparing
Food allergies are understandably one of the most common worries parents have when it comes to weaning their babies. Understanding the symptoms to look out for and knowing when it truly is an allergy can
Milk is one of the most confusing topics for parents – and something I’m asked about daily. When our little ones turn one, it can often feel like there are so many changes to the
When it comes to finger foods for baby led weaning, there is a lot of talk about how and what to offer as first finger foods to little ones. However, there is less information and
One of the questions I’m often asked is what changes at 1 year old when it comes to nutrition for babies? It seems like there are many rules around “until 12 months” and understandably, many
I’ve written about eating out and about with a baby before, but not about eating out and holidaying with a baby. It’s something I’m asked about a lot, and so I thought I’d put together
You may have read or heard somewhere that during weaning, you should wait three days before introducing new foods. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘three-day wait rule’. This blog explains where this notion
I recently wrote my complete guide to essential nutrients during weaning as well as a separate guide on protein for babies and toddlers. So, in this blog I wanted to focus on another nutrient I
Weaning can be a confusing time, and it feels like there are so many “unknowns.” Parents so often ask me about feeding schedules and whether they should give their baby food or milk first. So
One question I am regularly asked is what happens next once you’ve offered your baby their first tastes and completed the first month of weaning. It’s natural to get past the initial stage of preparing
Weaning is such a huge topic that it is always useful to break it down into smaller, more manageable topics for parents. I’ve written before about everything from weaning equipment, the benefits of baby-led weaning
When sharing advice around weaning, I often talk about “following your baby’s lead” with the pace of the meal and following their cues to help you understand if your baby is full or hungry. I
I recently wrote all about my complete guide to essential nutrients during weaning. In this blog, I wanted to provide a guide to the vitamins and minerals (known as micronutrients) that are important for babies