Working with Joe Wicks
It is always very exciting to work with a celebrity. And I was so very excited to be able to work with Joe Wicks (aka The Body Coach) for the launch of one of his books, Wean in 15. Joe and I first met at a Gousto launch. He was thinking about weaning his daughter, Indie and I was an expert in this area. So we got chatting right away. We chatted non-stop and Joe was so interested to hear a lot of the science behind weaning. Plus why I take the Veg Led approach to weaning that I do.
Wean in 15
I have been so proud of being a part of the Wean in 15 book. I really think it’s a resource that lots of parents will find very helpful for years to come. The recipes are incredible, and not really what you’d necessarily expect from a baby weaning book. Plenty of meals for the whole family, dishes which experiment with lots of flavour and encouragement for baby to try plenty of different textures too! I love it.
He mentioned a weaning book to me and said he’d had an idea about doing a “Wean in 15” book, to follow on from his other ranges of books. I was thrilled and over the next weeks we spoke a lot about weaning. Where to start, how to offer Indie her first foods and what to do about tricky areas such as allergies and finger foods. I guided Joe and his wife Rosie through their weaning journey each day. They didn’t need much, just a little confidence here and there which is what most parents need. As they are both natural foodies, things such as eating together, offering a variety and experimenting with Indie’s taste buds came pretty naturally to them.
Introducing solid foods can be SUCH a confusing time for parents. Ultimately Joe and I wanted to break all the research down into practical, realistic advice. Along with offering plenty of ideas and inspiration along the way.
Wean in 15
It’s been fascinating sharing weaning advice with such a wide audience. I’m still learning a lot about what questions parents have and what aspects of introducing solids parents find a challenge. I’m also lucky enough to be working closely with Public Health England on their Start4Life weaning campaign too. Which is helping to back up the evidence based messages that Joe and I have been sharing.
Joe and I also recorded a podcast to go along with the book, which you can read more about here. You can also click here to see my IGTV video from when I first received my copy!
From all of this the Wean in 15 Instagram page was also born. It now has over 480k followers and an audience who consistently learn so much from Joe’s posts and recipes. Joe was so supportive of me the whole way, really bringing me on board as part of the Wean in 15 team.
We’ve recorded many regular Q and A Lives, where we’ve answered questions for Joe’s audience. I also supported him initially with putting out nutrition content on his weaning page and his The Body Coach blog. We worked closely to make sure that Wean in 15 was as detailed, helpful, factual and honest as can be. To ensure it’s a really rounded resource for any parents wanting to know more about weaning their baby.
I REALLY hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed supporting Joe with all things Wean in 15. It was such a labour of love. Click the link here to buy Wean in 15 for yourself!
A HUGE thanks to Joe for involving me in this. It’s been career changing stuff and I’ll always be eternally grateful to him for his generosity, support and just being a HUGE inspiration to me in my career!
Since then, we have stayed in contact and he has also had the newest addition to his family – his little boy, Marley!