When I was asked to be part of the “Be Simply Great Challenge” I was a little weary of what messages the campaign aimed to give out to the public. However, after chatting with the team, I realised that all the ideas around health and nutrition that I practice and promote were exactly what the challenge also aimed to promote – but to a much wider audience!
The Be Simply Great Challenge is a new healthy lifestyle campaign which aims to help people make small and manageable changes to their diet and activity levels which overtime will help to improve their health for the present and the future.
Most importantly this campaign strongly discourages faddy diets which can often be detrimental to health and certainly don’t offer any benefits in the long term. It is also based around moderation – no food is ‘the devil’ – and encourages people to enjoy the food they are eating.
So the Challenge? It’s an 8 week programme of slowly introducing new lifestyle behaviours into your life to encourage simple and realistic levels of behaviour change. Fronting the campaign is Victoria Pendleton and Dr Christian Jessen – both who promote the idea of ‘moderation’ and forgetting faddy diets alongside the rest of the team.
On Tuesday 17th of June a launch event was held and members of the press were invited along to talk to the Campaign stars as well as the members of our expert panel, which included;
Charlene Hutsebaut – Fitness Expert
and me as the panel’s Nutritional Expert.
It was a great event at a wonderful location – on a rooftop terrace at Me Hotel in London.
We were able to speak to members of the press about the campaign and about its ethos. One blogger wrote a wonderful piece about the campaign as well as about meeting me, which I thought I’d share with you:
“One of the most interesting people I spoke to however had to be nutritionist Charlotte Stirling-Reed. Her passion and dedication to changing the media’s representation of health was awe-inspiring, and I had such a wonderful time just sitting down and chatting with someone who finally see’s through the b******* we’re being fed by the media.”
To see the post in full click here.
I am really pleased to be part of such a panel and especially alongside so many real experts in their field. I hope that the Be Simply Great Challenge helps many people to ditch the diet and make small healthy steps to better health.
To take part in the Be Simply Great Challenge you can visit the website and sign up here: