We’ve all heard the buzz around juice being “full of sugar” and “bad for our health”. And yes, drinking A LOT of fruit juice may not be the best option for our health, weight or our teeth. BUT, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a glass of juice on a hot, sunny day AND it doesn’t mean that juice doesn’t have it’s benefits.
Try this delicious mix –
1-2 large handfuls of curly kale
200-250mls pure orange juice
1 whole banana

Pop all in a blender (minus the banana skin) and blend to a consistency right for you.
Kale is a natural source of folic acid, vitamin C and fibre and can count towards one of your 5 A Day
Orange Juice is high in vitamin C and also counts towards one of your fruit and vegetable portions
Bananas contain B vitamins, potassium and more vitamin C
When drinking fruit juice, Government recommendations are that it should be consumed alongside a meal to protect the teeth and that one 150ml glass of juice is a sufficient portion size. Fruit juice only ever counts towards one of you 5 A day as juice, even fresh juice, has less fibre in than the original fruit.
For more information have a look at my blog – Fruit Juice Vs Whole Fruits