Pregnancy and Baby Milestones Advice:
One of my biggest concerns for mums and families, especially when having their first child, is that there is so little access to honest, reliable nutrition advice during pregnancy and on the topic of infant nutrition.
From my experience, mothers and parents tend to turn to the internet or relatives for advice around what to eat and what to feed their babies. Sometimes this is great and can really help support mothers, however, sometimes I have serious concerns about the advice that is passed around so freely.
From my experience, online chat rooms and mummy blogs can contain information that is misleading for parents and, at worst, this advice can be dangerous. It’s always important to check the qualifications or authority of whoever is dishing out the advice before taking it for gospel.
That’s why I was so pleased to be involved in a couple of books from the UK’s leading parenting, baby and toddler magazine – Mother and Baby. They have produced two pregnancy and baby milestone books, one “Pregnancy Milestones” and the other “Baby Milestones”, which takes parents right through pregnancy and the first year of their baby’s life.
Pregnancy Milestones
This book provides a step by step guide through pregnancy from pre-conception – including what supplements to take if you’re trying for a baby and potential fertility boosting foods – through every trimester in pregnancy and then to advice around preparing for birth. It really is everything you need to know, with tips, advice and Questions and Answers from experts like me.
Baby Milestones
This book then picks up where the Pregnancy Milestones book leaves off and takes the reader through stage by stage from new-born right up until baby is 12 months of age. Again it provides tips and support on topics such as breastfeeding, baby personality and, of course, introducing solid foods to baby.
For me it’s a relief to have such a useful and supportive resource to refer new mums and mums to be too. The books are supported by experts and evidence throughout, and so remove any concerns or doubt that you might otherwise get if you were simply reading an opinion in a chat room.
If you’re interested in reading these books please visit the Mother & Baby website where you can get a code for money off. You can also purchase these books on Amazon.
As always, let me know if you have any questions and do send through any feedback by visiting SR Nutrition’s contact page.