I am a parent and a Nutritionist and I still know how hard it is to always vary the foods on offer to our kids. I used to be brilliant at varying the breakfasts that Raffy had every day, he would have such a fab selection. Unfortunately for poor Ada it’s become a little monotonous.
However, I want to share with you my latest blog – a morning meal plan! 7 ideas for baby and toddler friendly breakfasts that are quick, easy and nutritious to share with your children of all ages! I hope this will help bring a little meal inspiration, so you’re not left wondering ‘what shall I make the kids for breakfast today?’.
Why vary breakfasts?
It’s such a good idea to vary the breakfasts that you’re offering to little ones. Ithelps stop boredom and fatigue with the morning feast andit helps to expose your little one to a variety. It also helps them to keep a bit of a broad mind when it comes to what they will accept on their plates in the morning. Making different ideas EVERY DAY isn’t always practical though, but I’m sharing these 7 ideas in case you want to add a bit of variety and in case you’re feeling like supermum/dad one week but want to vary it up every day.
I have so many breakfast ideas on my blog, Instagram and Facebook and I’ll link as many extras below as I can too!
Here goes – my 7 days of baby & toddler breakfast ideas!
Good old porridge had to come first. It’s an absolute staple in our house and both Raffy and Ada love it. My favourite (and possibly most popular) recipe to date is my Carrot Cake Porridge Recipe which you can see here.
If you’re after more porridge ideas check out my Top Ten Porridge ideas for baby too.
Leftover Porridge Fingers (Porridge Muffins)
I’ve shared this so many times as people are always loving the speed and practicality of this recipe! Simply take baby’s leftover porridge, add a few oats, maybe some banana and turn it into little mini muffins or flapjack/porridge finger options.
I have lots of ideas and recipes for these all over my IG and my blog, but they are SUPER simple and a great option for baby the day after you’ve had porridge!

Toast and toppings
I love toast, it’s always my go to breakfast and it’s also a easy one to offer to the kids too. Once baby has had a bit of bread and is able to master the texture (should be fine from around 6 months after first taste) you can use toast as a vessel to get lots of other flavours into baby’s mouth. Think banana and peanut butter, scrambled egg, veg pâtés – see more of my toast topping ideas on this post and infographic.

Baby-Friendly Cereals
One of my most popular blogs is Cereals you CAN give to the kids. People are always interested in this. There are a few which are better than others, but you ideally want to use some label reading hacks to look for no added sugar and the lowest salt options you can find. Weetabix (although it does have a small amount of added salt) is fortified with nutrients and, as long as you’re varying how much it’s offered, can make a good option for babies and toddlers. Puffed oats or puffed rice are also a good option too! Don’t forget to add some fruits on top to make sure you’re making the most of the nutrients on offer at breakfast!
Check out my blog on HOW to choose a healthy breakfast cereal for the kids too!
Savoury Fritters
These are similar to a pancake, but pack in a little more veg and egg. Easy to whizz together in a blender, freeze well and make a really easy breakfast when you’re in a rush!
Check out my Spinach Fritter Recipe. A lovely baby led weaning option, too.
Spinach Fritter RecipeSaturday
We are HUGE fans of pancakes in this house and I have two great topping ideas and a super quick pancake recipe in my book! American pancakes (see my American Pancake recipe) often work well for baby led weaning, so these are the ones I tend to offer. You can also make them savoury with egg and avocado, for example – they don’t have to be sweet!
I’ve recently also discovered these Pancake Sheet recipes which work perfectly for babies and toddlers. I love taking them on the go with Raffy and they are easy for babies to eat from any age. You can also mix up the flavours and use whatever leftover fruits you have in the fridge!
Baby English Breakfast
I love the idea of simply offering baby some ingredients that go toward making a Baby Friendly English Breakfast. Here are some ideas you could include…
- Make a mince-meat sausage if you’re feeling fancy this meatball ball recipe from Paula @tinytotsnutrition can be shaped into sausages.
- Add some sticks of avocado
- Scrambled egg
- Some toast fingers
- Some beans such as butter beans, cannellini beans or haricot beans for example (mashed if needed for younger babies) and add some tomato puree or tinned tomatoes to give it a bit of flavour
- Add some hummus and or spinach too – whatever works for your family. Don’t forget to share this one with the whole family.

Other breakfast ideas in case 7 days of them just isn’t enough!
- Overnight oats
- Savoury breakfast muffins (or you could try these sugar free blueberry muffins too)!
- Mini Omelettes (I have a fab recipe for these in my book)
- Yogurt, oats and fruits – mixed
- Smoothie bowls (use yogurt and veggies) – I have one of these in my book too!
- Omelettes
- I also have a whole blog on Dairy Free Breakfast Ideas
Also see my blog on How to Get Extra Nutrients into My Child’s Breakfast! Such a great way to kick the day off well, and a way to pack in extra calories for fussy eaters
I hope you found this helpful.
Don’t forget to check out my book How to Wean Your Baby, which has more recipes, including plenty of savoury brekkie options for you to try!