I’m often asked how to cook for babies and young children without adding salt and sugar. We want our little ones to enjoy their food, but HOW can we make delicious meals without reaching for
I think this may be the most important part of my website – my blog! Here I can give advice, tips and recipes, plus loads more really useful information on nutrition for you and your young family…
I’m often asked how to cook for babies and young children without adding salt and sugar. We want our little ones to enjoy their food, but HOW can we make delicious meals without reaching for
What you need to know I’m often asked about probiotics for babies and young children, and whether we should be offering them. The topic of gut health and gut bacteria has become quite popular in
Recently I’ve been writing a lot about feeding the family, especially since writing my book ‘How to Feed Your Family’ and it’s really got me thinking about practical hacks to help families cook meals for
I’m thrilled to be FINALLY sharing details on a new book I’ve written … How to Feed Your Family… I’m saying FINALLY as it seems I’ve been working on this one for so long. The
Pancakes are a firm favourite in our house, and for good reason! They’re super easy to make and can be adapted in so many ways to introduce little ones to new flavours and textures. They’re
Something parents seem to always be wondering is how much babies and young children “should” be eating each day. I’ve written before about portion sizes for babies when weaning. I also have a free factsheet
I can’t believe another year is over, and even more so, that I now have a 2.5 and a 5.5 year old. It’s such a cliché to say that “life goes quickly when you have
Now that Summer is here, I wanted to share a nice, summery recipe that’s perfect for the whole family – including babies! This recipe was written by Dietitian Emma Green, from Emmasfoodstories and it’s ideal for both kids and
I’ve written before about what supplements are recommended for babies and toddlers. I’ve also written a post comparing nutritional supplements for babies and toddlers. In this blog, I wanted to focus specifically on one nutrient
I’m so…so…so…so excited to share that I have written a new book! “How to Feed Your Toddler – Everything you need to know to raise happy, independent little eaters” I wrote my first book How
One of the MOST common questions I get is “how much food should my toddler have?” Whether it’s too much, or too little, parents are often worried or confused around how much is “normal” for
January is actually a really tough time of year to focus on “wellness” as many of us may be feeling sluggish after the holidays, struggle to get back into work mode and feel demotivated by
Weaning is a topic that I absolutely LOVE to talk about. Throughout my career, one of my main goals has been to give parents the knowledge and the confidence to wean their babies. It can
This isn’t a usual post for me, but something I really wanted to share after what I feel is a HUGE year for me, Charlotte and my brand SR Nutrition. This has been the most
I’m asked regularly about cups for babies and toddlers, and even have a blog on what cup to use and when. However, Stacey from @feedeatspeak, who is a Speech and Language Therapist has some really