Following on from last week’s blog post on Herbal Teas During Pregnancy – Part 1, where we looked at the safety of herbal teas and current recommendations for how much to consume. This week’s blog
I think this may be the most important part of my website – my blog! Here I can give advice, tips and recipes, plus loads more really useful information on nutrition for you and your young family…
Following on from last week’s blog post on Herbal Teas During Pregnancy – Part 1, where we looked at the safety of herbal teas and current recommendations for how much to consume. This week’s blog
Many people automatically assume that ‘natural’ means healthy as well as ‘safe’. However, in reality many ‘natural’ ingredients and some plants can be potent – such as the beautiful but adeptly named deadly nightshade and
If you haven’t read last week’s blog on Part 1 of my “Pregnancy Pantry Guide: A good kitchen guide to pregnancy part 1” blog then make sure you have a read of this first! This
Finding out that you’re pregnant can certainly be an overwhelming time for many new mums and new dads-to-be. Emotions are often running wild at the beginning of pregnancy, and it may also be a time
I’ve been wanting to write an article on Healthy Snacks During Pregnancy for a while as I think it’s something that many pregnant women could really benefit from. During pregnancy, you may be find that
In January 2016 our Government’s Chief Medical Advisor proposed new guidelines around alcohol, including new advice on consuming alcohol during pregnancy. These new guidelines have now been accepted by the Government and you can read
Breastfeeding is the way nature intended us to feed our babies. However, for some women breastfeeding is not possible and for others, they simply choose not to do so. Certain research tells us that mothers
An old myth that people often still refer to is the idea that women need to be eating for two during pregnancy. We now know that during pregnancy a woman’s body becomes much more efficient
When you first decide to start trying for a baby, it’s a good idea to start also thinking about your diet and your lifestyle as a whole – including what supplements to take pre pregnancy.
I’ve recently had quite a few friends ask me about how many teas and coffees they can consume during pregnancy and what are the current caffeine recommendations for pregnant women. There seems to be some
Pregnancy and Baby Milestones Advice: One of my biggest concerns for mums and families, especially when having their first child, is that there is so little access to honest, reliable nutrition advice during pregnancy and
Clearly we have a bit of a problem with the TYPES of foods we are eating in the UK! Unfortunately that also goes for our young children too! A quick reminder… 1/3rd of children in
As I’m prepping for a talk at Food Matters Live on Maternal and Infant Nutrition I thought it would be a great time to write a blog all about foods to eat and foods to
There is currently a lot of buzz in the nutrition world and in the media around the UK’s advice on consuming alcohol during pregnancy. It’s thought that the current advice we give may be confusing
Someone is clearly listening to my rants about the importance of maternal and infant nutrition (OK, maybe not MY rants)… For a long while we have known the extreme importance that early nutrition plays on