I’m always asked for recipe ideas for baby led weaning. It’s so popular to allow babies to feed themselves a little more, but sometimes it can be difficult to always have something appropriate to offer. I know this myself with Ada, who will just NOT be fed. I have to always have something ready for her that’s convenient, quick, nutritious and also, ideally, something that makes minimal mess on clothes!!
That’s where I came up with this idea some inspiration for baby snacks and meals. I know parents want things ready quickly so that you can just pop it out of the freezer and offer it to baby, or quickly heat something for dinner or lunch.
These options also make the perfect snack for toddlers and are also great as a “light meal” option for older toddlers teamed with some fruits/veg or dips, for example (e.g. post nursery meals!) These are all suitable for batch cooking too – helping you get organised for the week ahead.
Most of these are fairly balanced, but I do often try and make the most of them for babies, by offering with a dip and some veggie/fruit finger foods too. Vegetables and fruits are easy to think about when it comes to baby led weaning, but these fairly quick ideas help to add much more variety to your Baby Led Weaning meal ideas.
Savoury Muffins
I have a FAB recipe for these in my book How to Wean Your Baby, but I also have a great option here too. These fairly simple leftover veg muffins can be offered for breakfast, lunch, dinner or as a quick, on the go snack for toddlers!
Quick & Easy Fishcakes
Again, have a new and exciting version of these in my book, but I also have a SUPER speedy Fishcake recipe here as well as some others on my blog.
These are a little more messy, but perfect for a Friday night feast when you don’t know what else to offer. Just pop them out, defrost and heat until piping hot. A really easy, soft finger food for babies!
Low Salt Oatcakes
Most shop bought oatcakes are fairly high in salt, and it’s hard to find crackers and oatcake varieties without. It’s OK to offer these every now and then, but do be mindful of how often and try to offer them fairly rarely. This was the reason that I came up with my own Baby Oatcake Recipe, which was soooo popular on my blog when I was weaning Raffy. I haven’t got it out recently, but thought it was a good time to share it now. You can always add your own flavours at home or top it with some perfect toppings such as peanut butter or hummus and team it with some veggie sticks to make it a balanced option!
This is actually a really simple one to make in bulk and freeze for those emergency mealtime options. You can defrost in the microwave or heat from cold in the toaster before offering to baby. Also think sweet and savoury when it comes to toppings or spread some nut butter on top and head out for an on the go light meal!
Flapjacks, Porridge fingers or leftover porridge muffins
These are all essentially the same thing, and they have been staple offerings for Ada since really early on in her weaning journey. Raffy is also still a big fan of these too. You can always alter the flavours you add and try and make the most out of them by stirring in peanut butter, adding chia seeds or grating some carrot in. I have a few recipes for these including
I also have some great oatie bars in my book too! All freeze easily and defrost on the go (these are great cold!)
These are a really quick option to make and bung in the freezer, as with the pancakes, but these are easier to flavour too. Try out my carrot and spinach option. Add more texture by blending less and try a variety of different veggies in these. Offer with cream cheese as a dip, or some hummus alongside fruit or veg fingers.
I love the idea of baby burger recipes. I have a couple of really great ones in my book – meat and vegan options too. These are good for on the go, or teaming with some hummus, cheese, pitta breads for babies to deconstruct and eat as they please!
Baby Friendly Scones
Another great baby recipe I created early in the day with Raffy! Try teaming with the Chia Seed Jam recipe from Wean in 15 or offer with some raisins and butter for older babies. I also love serving with strawberries in the summer!
Potato Tots
Something I’ve definitely done a lot more of since weaning Ada and needing more finger food options! These are remarkably easy to make with just some mash potato, some flavourings such as cheese, chives, basil and some proteins such as aduki beans, kidney beans or fish! Simply mix together and bake in tot shapes and give to baby to feed themselves.
Macaroni Bites
My new recipe that I love as they are so fun and so delicious. A little more tricky to make than the others on here (béchamel sauce anyone?!) but they are so worth it. You can easily make around 15 bites, which means you have a good stash full to tap into as and when needed. So there are my 10 Freezable Recipes for Baby Led Weaning – I hope you find them helpful. It might be worthwhile spending an afternoon making as many as possible so you have a whole freezer packed with easy, delicious, finger food options for your baby for weeks to come! Batch cooking here we come!